Digital Marketing

at BRUHAS Technology

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing, also called Online Marketing, is the promotion of Brands to connect with potential Customers using the Internet and other Forms of Digital Communication. This includes not only e-mail, Social Media, and Web-based Advertising, but also Text and Multimedia Messages as a Marketing Channel.

Eligibility for a course typically depends on the following:

  1. Prerequisites: Required prior courses or skills.
  2. Level of Study: Undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education.
  3. Program Requirements: Specific to your major or program.
  4. Open Enrollment: Available to all students as an elective.
  5. Special Permissions: Might need instructor or department approval.
  6. Availability: Limited seats may give priority to certain students.
  7. Location/Delivery: Online or specific campus availability.

Check the course catalog or consult with an academic advisor for specifics.


Internet & Search Engine Basics

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Importance of Digital Marketing
  • Difference between Traditional and Digital Marketing
  • Online Visitors journey: Role of IT Technology
  • Basics of WWW, Browser, Search Engine, Server, Website and Web page

WordPress for SEO

  • What is WordPress CMS and why use it?
  • Step by Step WordPress Installation
  • WordPress website Dashboard
  • Customization of WordPress website
  • Word Press Plugins
  • SEO: Yoast plugin
  • Free and premium themes Working with the Word Press Theme
  1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • What is SEO? How is it an Advantage to Business and individuals?
  • Domain Name Purchase
  • Domain buying checklist
  • How to Choose a Best domain name

Web Hosting Overview

  • Types of Web Hosting Packages
  • Domain Hosting buying checklist
  • How to Choose a Best Web hosting Service
  • C-Panel Management
  • How to Make a Website Live

             How does the Search Engine work?

  • Types of Hyperlinks
  • Crawling, Indexing, Relevance
  • Relevance Score by Google

Understanding The SERP

  • Using Search Operators
  • Ranking Opportunities in SERP for Website (SERP Features)
  • Guidelines of Search engine

Website Navigation

  • Information Architecture
  • Types of Webpages
  • Web pages vs Online goals
  • Site Structure
  • Website Menus
  • Types of Site Navigation

Online Users’ Search Intent

  • Types of Online Customers and Audiences
  • Types of User’s Search Intent
  • Introduction to Keyword Research
  • Keywords Research and Analysis
  • Business & User Analysis
  • Online Goals Overview

Keyword Match Types

  • Broad Match
  • Phrase Match
  • Exact Match
  • Negative match
  • Modified broad Match

Types of Keywords

  • Navigational Keywords
  • Informative Keywords
  • Transactional Keywords

Keyword Research Methodology

  • Keyword research Process – Step by Step
  • Brainstorming
  • Keywords Analysis Tools
  • AdWords Tool / Keyword Reveller
  • Competition Analysis
  • Finding the best Keywords
  • Localized Keywords Research
  • Seed words (Root words)
  • Longtail-keywords
  • Difference between Seed words & Long-tail keywords
  • Keywords selection
  • Primary keywords
  • Secondary keywords
  • Difference between Primary & Secondary keywords
  • How to Finalize keywords based on your Business goals

On Page Optimization

  • What is Onsite Optimization
  • Advantages of On-page Optimization
  • On-Page Optimization Factors

Meta Tags optimization

  • Meta Title – What it is, How to Write Mata Title, Best practices etc.
  • Meta Description – What it is, How to Write Mata Description, Best practices, Click-bait

                 descriptions etc.

  • Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Meta Keywords – What are they, How to Write Meta Keywords, Best practices etc.
  • Header Tags – Types and Best practices
  • URL – URL structure development, Types of URLs, Best practices
  • URL Redirections – Permanent and Temporary redirection
  • Meta Robots – Best practices & Managing the Crawling and Indexing
  • Meta Language – Best Practices
  • Viewport – Best practice
  • Internal links – Types, best practices, SEO benefits
  • Anchor links Optimization – Anchor text criteria & diversifying
  • Calculating the Internal links ratio
  • External links – Types, Best practices, SEO benefits
  • Image Tag Optimization
  • Font style – Bold & Italic

Off Page Optimization

  • Introduction to off-page Optimization
  • Advantages of Off-page SEO practices
  • Submission to Search Engines
  • Backlinks – What are they and their types, Link juice
  • Backlinks Building – High quality & Low quality sites’ criteria
  • How to Choose Backlink sites as per your business needs
  • Types of Backlinking Methods – One-way, Reciprocal/two-way and Link schemes

Technical SEO Optimization

  • What is Technical SEO
  • Advantages of Technical SEO
  • Canonicalization – What it is, How fix canonicalization, 301 redirection
  • Server Errors – Types and How to fix them
  • Crawling – How to Improve Crawling for a website, Crawling barriers and fixing them
  • Indexing – How to Improve Indexing for a website, Managing the Indexing and Mobile Indexing
  • URL Restructuring – URL Rewriting Best practices, URL redirection types
  • Image Alt Optimization – Writing Effective Image Alt text
  • Image Compression – Step by step and Best practices
  • Web page Compression – Step by step and Best practices
  • Mobile-friendly test – Fixing mobile friendly errors and Best practices
  • Page loading speed – Fixing page loading speed errors and Best practices
  • Content Duplication – Internal & External duplication, Causes and Fixing the plagiarism issues, Tools
  • Shallow Content – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
  • Thin Content – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
  • txt – What it is, Best practices & Submission
  • Sitemap – Advantages and Types
  • HTML Sitemap – What it is, Creation of HTML Sitemap and Best practices
  • XML Sitemap – What it is, Creation of XML Sitemap and Best practices
  • Image Sitemap – What it is, Creation of Image Sitemap and Best practices
  • Video Sitemap – What it is, Creation of Video Sitemap and Best practices
  • News Sitemap – What it is, Creation of News Sitemap and Best practices
  • W3 Errors – What are they, How to fix and Best practices
  • Code to Text Ratio – What it is and Best practices.


    Black Hat SEO techniques

    Types of Black SEO techniques

    1. White-Hat SEO techniques
    2. Black Hat SEO techniques
    3. Grey Hat SEO techniques
    1. Cloaking – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    2. Keyword Stuffing – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    3. Hidden text – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    4. Small font size – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    5. Link Schemes – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    6. Doorway Pages – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    7. Scraped Content – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    8. Excessive Ads – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    9. Empty & Less Content pages – What are they, How to fix and Best practices
    10. Auto-generated Content – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    11. Parked site – What it is, How to fix and Best practices
    12. Ranking for Irrelevant keywords – What it is, How to fix and Best practices

    SEO Project Management and Real-time Reports

    SEO Audit – Website Analysis

    1. On-Page SEO Audit
    2. Technical SEO Audit
    3. Backlink Profile Audit

    Step by step SEO Audit for a website,

    SEO Audit report preparation for Website & Web page

    SEO Marketing Plan preparation

    How to choose best SEO activities for your business promotion / client needs

    1. Google Analytics Real-time Analysis & Management
    • Introduction to Google Analytics
    • How Analytics Works?
    • Installing Google Analytics
    • Visitors Reports
    • Types of Traffic
    • Types of Traffic Channels
    • Dimensions & Metrics
    • Geographic Reports
    • Traffic Sources Reports
    • Goals and Conversions
    • Conversion Path Reports
    • Sales Funnel & Reports
    • Analyzing & Website Improvement
    1. Google Search Console
    • Introduction: Google Webmaster Tools
    • Website Verification
    • Site Dash Board & Available options
    • Site Messages
    • Search Appearance
    • org- Structured Data
    • Data Highlighter
    • Rich Card
    • Search Traffic
    • Google Index
    • Crawl
    • Google Disavow tool
    • Removing the webpages from Search results
    • Local Business Optimization
    • Google My Business
    • Steps to Create your first listing
    • Google My Business Listing verification .
        1. SEO Content Writing
        • Types of Content
        • Online Writing Styles
        • Academic Writing format
        • Journalism Writing format
        • Difference between Academic & Journalism Writing

        What is SEO Content Writing and How to write it

        • Keyword Criteria and Understanding them
        • Content Writing Tips
        • Content Calendar Preparation
        • Step By Step by Content Writing
        • Managing a Content Writing Project
        1. Google Algorithms

        Google Guidelines

        What are Google Updates

        Advantages of Google Updates

        Types of Google Updates

        • Algorithms – What are they, Understanding the function of Algorithms
        • Manual Penalty – What are they, Understanding the function of Manual Penalties
        • Filters – What are they, Understanding the function of Filters

        Major Algorithms – What are they, Understanding & How they works

        • Mobile-first Index
        • BERT Update
        • Core Update
        • Rank Brain
        • Google Panda
        • Google Penguin
        • Google Pigeon
        • Google Hummingbird
        • Google Search Layout
        • Exact Match Domain (EMD)
        • Heavy Update
        • Page Layout
        • Pay Day Loans


        Minor Algorithms Updates – What are they, Understanding & How they works

        Google Penalty – What it is, How to avoid or fix the website penalties

        1. SEM – Search Engine Marketing (Google AdWords/ Ad)
        • Google AdWords – What it is, Understanding and How it works & top competitors
        • Comparison of SEM & SEO
        • Advantages of Paid Promotion (AdWords)
        • AdWords Interface Tour
        • AdWords Dash Board

        Types of AdWords advertising

        • AdWords – How it works, Benefits, Ad pricing,
        • Quality Score – What it is, How it works and How to improve
        • Ad Rank – What it is, How it works and How to improve
        • AdWords Settings – Account level, Campaign & Ad Group, Ad level setting
        • Requirements for Ad copy development

        Creating First Campaign

        • Understanding the Purpose of Ad Groups
        • Understanding the Purpose of Campaigns
        • Types of Ad Networks and devices
        • Bidding and budget
        • Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling
        • Ad delivery: Ad rotation

        AdWords Account Setup

        Search Network

        • Search Ad copy – How to development / write / rewrite Text ad copies
        • Keyword Research – Keyword analysis, Selection, Match types
        • Ad Extensions – What are they, When to use, and Types of ad extensions
        • Bid Strategies, Ad delivery and other settings

        Display Network

        • Setting up a Display Network Ad
        • Display Ad copy – How to development / write / rewrite ad copies
        • Image Ad
        • Video Ad
        • App Ad
        • Shopping Ad
        • Customers Targeting Methods in Display networks
        • Automatic and Manual Placements
        • CPC Bidding and CPM Bidding
        • Concept of CPM and Branding
        • Frequency Capping
        • Ad Experiment

        Landing page Optimization

        • Landing page Optimization – What it is, Best practices, Audit Report design & Development

        Remarketing – What it is, How it works,

        • Remarketing – What it is, Best practices, How to Implement Remarketing




AdWords Editor
CTR of Ad copies
Mistakes in AdWords Practices in real-time
Dynamic Keywords Insertion (DKI)
SEM Project Management and Real-time Reports
My Client Channel/ Center (MCC)
Ad Preview Tool
A/B Testing
7. Social Media Optimization (SMO) TRAINING
● Social Media Sites – What are they, Types of Social media sites, Popular sites
● Advantages of SMO
● Best Timing to publish on Social media
● Social media Content design, development
● Social media calendar preparation
● 80/20 and 90/10 Social media content strategy

● Advantages of Facebook
● Facebook Page Creation
● Facebook Profile maintenance
● Headlines writing
● Types of Facebook posts
● Facebook Business page best practices
● Facebook Algorithm – Understand the Edge Rank
● Facebook Analytics
● A/B testing
● Facebook Instant Articles
● Facebook Marketing Plan
● How to Earn Money with Facebook

● Advantages of Twitter
● Twitter Profile Creation
● Twitter Profile maintenance
● Headlines writing
● Art of 280 characters Tweets
● URL Shortening
● How to Write a Perfect Tweet as per your business goals
● Best Content to Publish on Twitter account
● Tweet ideas
● Twitter Business page best practices
● Twitter Analytics
● Hash Tags – What are they, Types and Best practices, Benefits
● Twitter List and Cards
● Twitter Messages
● Twitter Marketing Plan
● Popular Twitter Tools

● LinkedIn Page Creation
● Difference between Business and Personal Profiles
● LinkedIn Profile maintenance
● Headlines writing
● Types of LinkedIn posts
● LinkedIn Business page best practices
● LinkedIn Analytics
● LinkedIn Marketing Plan
Instagram and Pinterest – What are they, And Best practices

8. Social Media Marketing (SMM) Training
Facebook Advertising
● Introduction to Facebook Advertising and How does it works
● Facebook Campaign Creation
● Facebook Ad structure
● Boost Post
● Targeting the Online Audiences
● Choosing the Online Customers on Facebook
● How Facebook Ads are Served
● Ads Manager
● Types of Bidding
● Facebook Video Ads – Introduction and Campaign management
● Facebook Pixel – What it is, How to Create FB pixel and Advantages
● Facebook Power Editor

Twitter Advertising
● Creating a Twitter ad campaign for a sponsored post for clicks to websites.
● Twitter Ad structure
● Types of Bidding
● Targeting the Online Audiences
● Choosing the Online Customers on Twitter
● How Twitter Ads are Served
● Twitter Advertising – Tweet message, Hash tag, Twitter Profile promotion

LinkedIn Advertising
● Creating a LinkedIn ad campaign for a sponsored post for clicks to websites
● LinkedIn Ad structure
● Types of Bidding
● Targeting the Online Audiences
● Choosing the Online Customers on LinkedIn
● How LinkedIn Ads are Served

9. YouTube Marketing
● YouTube Advantages
● YouTube Audiences
● Video as your marketing Strategy
● What, Why and when to publish on YouTube – Video content ideas
● YouTube Channel Creation – Step by step
● Video SEO – Step by Step, Blogging, Video promotion and Optimization
● YouTube Video Settings
● YouTube Video Manager – Annotations, Playlists, Cards
● YouTube Video Marketing Plan – creation, promotion and Analysis
● YouTube Monetization Criteria – Process, Step by step money earning with videos and
YouTube partnering,
● Types of YouTube Ads
● Display Video ads
● Overlay Video Ads
● Skippable Video Ads
● Non-Skippable Ads
● Bumper Ads
● Sponsor Ads/ Cards

Video Marketing Plan – Creation, YouTube Project Management step by step and ROI

YouTube Analytics

10. Email Marketing
● Introduction to Email Marketing
● Email marketing Software – Free and Paid
● Advantages of Email Marketing
● Types of Emails
● Types of Email users
● When to Distribute emails – Best timings
● Email Marketing Template creation
● Creating the Email Campaign
● Spam and Blacklists – Why emails go to spam folder
● Email Marketing Automation
● Email Marketing Analytics – Metrics & Measurement

11. Online reputation management (ORM) Training
● Types of Brand results
● Company/ Brand reputation – What it is, and its importance
● Online Reputation Strategy – creation and ORM project management
● ORM Channels and tools
● Tracking the Search results and Negative reviews

12. Affiliate Marketing Training
● Affiliate marketing – What it is, and advantages
● Components of Affiliate Marketing
● Affiliate Marketing Network
● Affiliate Marketing Commission Methods
● High Paid Money Earning Content
● Best channels to promote Affiliate Marketing products
● How to make money with Affiliate Marketing
● Popular and High Paid Affiliate Marketing Networks
● Step by Step Affiliate Marketing
● Affiliate Marketing Project Management

13. PR (Public Relations) Marketing Training
● Public relations – What it is, and advantages
● Difference between Traditional and Digital promotion
● Difference between Marketing and Public relation
● Advantages of Press release (PR)
● Traditional PR Strategy
● Digital PR Strategy
● PR strategy in ORM
● PR tools
● PR Project Management

14. Mobile Marketing Training
● Mobile Marketing Channels
● Types of Mobile Marketing Communications
● Types of Mobile Marketing

SMS Marketing
● Types of SMS Messages
● SMS Marketing Software
● SMS Marketing Campaign – Creation and Promotion & Management

Push Notification
● Push Notification – What it is, Advantages
● Types of Push Notifications
● Push Notification – Best practices
● Step by step Push Notification Campaign

App Store Optimization (ASO)
● Popular Mobile App stores
● App Store Optimization – What it is and Advantages
● On-site ASO factors
● Off-site ASO factors
● Difference between SEO Optimization for Mobile App platforms
● SEO for Mobile Apps – Improving Mobile app installs and downloads
● ASO Project Management – Get more customers for your Mobile app

QR Code
● QR Code – What it is, Advantages
● How to generate QR Code yourself
● How to promote QR Code
● How to Get more customers with QR Code
Mobile Website
● Mobile Website – What it is, Advantages

Mobile Ads
● Mobile Ads – What are they, Advantages
● Ad Mob – What it is, Advantages
● How to Create Mobile Ads step by step on Ad Mob
● Types of Mobile App Ads

15. Google AdSense
● Google AdSense – What it is, Advantages
● How AdSense Ads are Displayed
● AdSense Approval Checklist for a Website/Blog etc.
● How to Apply for AdSense Approval
● How AdSense Ads are Served on a Website/Blog etc.
● Top AdSense Earners in India
● Top AdSense earner in the World
● High Paid AdSense Topics
● AdSense Monetization – Step by step
● AdSense Monetization Options
● AdSense Project – Creation, Management and Improving the Online Money Earning
● AdSense Audit – Learn How to improve Money on Internet
16. Lead Generation
● Lead Generation – What it is and Why we need more leads
● Lead Generation Channels
● Examples of leads for a Company
● Sales Funnel – What it is, How to build a Sales funnel on websites
● Online Purchase Behavior
● Lead capturing with Websites
● Lead capturing with emails
● Lead capturing with Social media profiles
● Thank You page – Creation, Optimization and best practices

Call To Action (CTA) terms
● Call To Action – What it is, Advantages
● Types of CTA terms
● How to Choose a Best CTA term
● CTA Best practices

17. Customer Conversion
● Conversion – What is it, Why we need more conversions
● Sales Funnel – What it is, How to build a Sales funnel on websites
● Landing page Optimization (LPO)
● Why companies are failing to generate leads

Content Marketing
● Content marketing – What it is
● How to collect user data
● Lead Magnets – Best practices
● How to do Content marketing – Step by step
● Content Marketing – Project management
● Visual marketing – What it is and Best practices

18. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
1. Conversion Rate Optimization– What is it, Why we need more conversion rate
2. Examples of Successful Conversions
3. How to Improve Conversion Rate
A/B Testing
● A/B testing – What it is
● A/B Testing – Best practices
● A/B Testing – How to do for a website, Step by step

Overview of Sales Conversion funnel
Core Web Elements – What are they, How to Track and fix them effectively

Google Tag Manager (GTM)
● Google Tag Manager – What it is, and Advantages
● How to Create GTM a/c and Container
● How GTM Works
● How to add GTM code on website Step by step

Google Map
● Google Map – What it is, and Advantages
● How to Add your Business to Google Map – Step by Step
● Best practices of Google map
● How to rank in Local Search results

Digital Marketing Career – Personalized Guidance
Digital Marketing Resume Preparation and Review/Guidance on How to Make Effective Resume
Digital Marketing Certifications Guidance on:
● Google Ad (AdWords) certification
● Google Digital Sales Certification
● Facebook Certification
● Google Analytics Certifications
● H.P Life certification
● S.M study Certification
● Google Digital Marketing Certification
● Bing Ads Certification.
● All other Google Certifications
● Continue Marotech/Digital Marketing Education with – Udemy etc. Free Course Sources.

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Bruhas Technology offers a 100% job placement guarantee, providing a reassuring pathway for aspiring professionals to secure employment after completing their program.”

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