Devops -AWS

DevOps-AWS is an end-to-end Software Development Platform that offers an assortment of capabilities intended to organize and accelerate development efforts across the entire Application Lifecycle.

Eligibility for a course typically depends on the following:

  1. Prerequisites: Required prior courses or skills.
  2. Level of Study: Undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education.
  3. Program Requirements: Specific to your major or program.
  4. Open Enrollment: Available to all students as an elective.
  5. Special Permissions: Might need instructor or department approval.
  6. Availability: Limited seats may give priority to certain students.
  7. Location/Delivery: Online or specific campus availability.

Check the course catalog or consult with an academic advisor for specifics.


Version Control System:

  • Installation & Git configuration
  • Branching strategy
  • Git user workflow
  • Branching & Stash
  • Git commands (merge, pull, push, revert, reset etc.,)
  • How to rectify conflicts
  • How to create new pull request

Build Management:

  • Understanding Build Automation
  • Java Build system
  • Understanding Maven architecture
  • Maven Lifecycle & standards
  • Building Node JS Application
  • Building Golang Application
  • Building Python Application

Deployment Tool (Tomcat):

  • How to deploy java base application
  • Integration with Jenkins
  • Deployment application using Jenkins
  • Deployment application using Ansible


  • Understanding Containers Vs Virtual Machines
  • Docker Architecture
  • Get to know Docker Components
  • Docker Installation & setup
  • Docker Container Management – – Container creation, start, stop, renaming, logs, deletion, stats, events
  • Docker Images
  • Data Volumes & Port redirection
  • Building Images Interactively using containers
  • Docker file & its Instructions
  • Deploying a Registry server
  • Micro service Architecture
  • Docker-Compose & configuration file

Deployment Orchestration (Kubernetes):

  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Install and Configure Master Controller
  • Install and Configure the nodes
  • Kubectl: Exploring our Environment
  • Create and Deploy Pod Definitions
  • Tags, Labels and Selectors
  • Deployment State
  • Kubernetes Deployment Vs Stateful set Vs Daemon set
  • Difference between Confirma’s Vs Secrets
  • Good knowledge on PV & PVC
  • Multi-Pod (Container) Replication Controller
  • Create and Deploy Service Definitions
  • Creating Pod Definitions
  • Labeling Your Pod Definition
  • Creating Temporary Pods at the Command line
  • Interacting with Pod Container
  • Logs, Auto scaling and Scaling our Pods
  • Failure and Recovery
  • Running a Command in Your Pod Containers

Helm Package Manager

  • Package Management in Kubernetes
  • Charts and Repositories
  • Helm Releases

Kubernetes Advanced Concepts:

  • How to Upgrade Node Group in production Environment
  • Use of GasTOPS
  • How to Setup GasTOPS Repo
  • How to Setup Flux in Kubernetes
  • How to deploy application with Flux CD
  • How to deploy application with Helm CD
  • Use of Customization and How to deploy application using Customization.

    Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment (Jenkins):

    • Need of Continuous Integration
    • Understanding Jenkins Architecture
    • Master & Slave configurations
    • Plugin Management
    • Configuring different types of Jobs
    • Security & Authentication in Jenkins
    • Overview of popular plugins
    • Jenkins Role based Authentication
    • Integrate LDAP with Jenkins
    • CI with code coverage, code analysis & continuous delivery
    • Practical examples of different Jenkins use cases
    • Jenkins Pipeline
    • Backup & Restore of Jenkins jobs
    • Migration of Jenkins
    • How to integrate with Ansible


Cloud Computing (AWS Services):

  • Understanding Cloud computing
  • AWS Account Basics
  • Identity & Access Management (IAM)
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB)
  • Auto Scaling
  • Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • AWS Lambda
  • API Gateway
  • Amazon Cognito
  • Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • Simple Queue Service (SQS)
  • Simple Email Service (SES)
  • Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent)
  • Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
  • Elastic Container Service (ECS)
  • ELK Stack: Elastic search, Logstash, Kibana
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Elastic File System (EFS)


Configuration Management Tools (Ansible):

  • Ansible Setup
  • Playbooks
  • Ansible Vault
  • Ansible Roles

Infrastructure As A Code (Terraform):

  • Terraform Lifecycle
  • Resources and Dependencies
  • Variables
  • States & Backends
  • Loops & Modules
  • Terraform Modules
  • Providers, Provisioners, Data Source
  • Integrating with Ansible

Monitoring Tools:

  • Grafana
  • Kibana
  • Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana
  • AWS CloudWatch

Scripting Tools:

  • Shell Scripting:
    1. Basic Commands
    2. User Management
    3. Group Management
    4. File Management
    5. Process Management
    6. Package Management
    7. Realtime Scripts
  • Python Scripting:
    1. Installation
    2. Variable types
    3. Decision Making
    4. Loops
    5. Functions
    6. Real Time Scripts



  • Structural Databases:
    1. My SQL
    2. Post grew
  • Non- Structural Databases:
    1. Mongo DB

Real-Time Scenarios:

Here we can do all topics with real time We provide links for practice on daily basis



  • Azure Cloud
  • Azure Devops.


100% Job Placement Guarantee"

Bruhas Technology offers a 100% job placement guarantee, providing a reassuring pathway for aspiring professionals to secure employment after completing their program.”

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